Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Founding Of The First Laboratory By Wilhelm Wundt Essay
The founding of the first laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in 1879 began the fascination for psychological research. Psychology had not yet became a science until Wundt realized that human activities can be examined through careful observations, manipulations, descriptions, and control aimed at measuring/ predicting behavior. Early on psychology was about the study of behavior and mental processes. Today, psychology ranges from neural messages to cultural influences. Wundt adopted protocols from physiology and physics to guide his research because there were no designated guidelines in psychological research yet. The beginning of the 17th century Sir Francis Bacon brought attention that science should not rely on assumptions instead, it should start with the collection of facts. His stance lead scientists like John Locke and Thomas Reid to promote the fundamental principles of science such as empiricism and rationalism. Empiricism produces factual information while rationalism involves the development and elaboration of ideas. In 1881 Dr. Joseph Breuer was able to operate as a scientists and practitioner. However, today s society it is common for an individual to act as a scientist or practitioner. Both areas produce the findings and techniques that comprise the psychology field in today. Scientists in psychology aim to discover the ways of human beings and describe people in general, this task is described as a nomothesis. In contrast, practitioners commonly study aShow MoreRelatedWas Psychology Really Founded in 1879 or Was It in Existence Before Then?1387 Words à |à 6 PagesWas psychology really founded in 1879? Or was it in existence before that specific time? Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) officially opened an institution and laboratory for Psychology, in Leipzig, Germany. Many students were also taught here on experimental psychology. Wundt was touted as a great lecturer, and some of those taught, emulated Wundts work and made a significant contribution to psychology; for example Edward Titchner (1867-1927), who introduced structuralism to the United States ofRead MoreThe Theory Of Psychology And New Schools1057 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe years there have been various significant developments in psychology, and new schools have developed which try to fill the gaps of previous approaches and offer a new perspective. The timeline could be traced from Structuralism (Wundt, 1879), which was the first school of thought. It proposed breaking down of mental processes into its most fundamental components in trying to understand a person s mind. Then came functionalism (James,1902). Functionalists weren t concerned with mental processesRead MoreWundt And Miller s Theory Of Psychology2009 Words à |à 9 Pagesthe course of its beginnings. There were numerous contributors to the fieldââ¬âthe founders of psychology. This paper will focus on two of these founders: Wilhelm Wundt, the first to develop psychology as a formal discipline, and George A. Miller, the creator of cognitive psychology. This paper will compare and contrast the lives and works of Wundt and Miller. These psychology founders shared some similarities such as demonstrating expertise in other fields in addition to their work in psychologyRead MoreJames Mckeen Cattell Contributions to Psychology1740 Words à |à 7 PagesJohns Hopkins University. Returning to Leipzig in the fall of 1883, he earned his doctoral degree in experimental psychology under Wilhelm Wundt in 1886, with a dissertation that examined reaction times for various simple mental processes (Sokal, 1981). After completing his doctorate, Cattell spent two years at Cambridge University, where he f ounded Englands first laboratory in experimental psychology. While at Cambridge, Cattell married Josephine Owen, who became a lifelong partner in his research andRead MoreSnapshot1702 Words à |à 7 PagesBehaviorism Behaviorism arose partly due to the popularity of laboratory-based animal experimentation and partly in reaction to Freudian psychodynamics, which was difficult to test empirically because, among other reasons, it tended to rely on case studies and clinical experience, and dealt largely with intra-psychic phenomena that were difficult to quantify or to define operationally. Moreover, in contrast with early psychologists Wilhelm Wundt and William James, who studied the mind via introspectionRead MoreWhy Psychology Is Important For Mental Health Professionals2300 Words à |à 10 Pageshistorical contributions to psychology and brain research, will allow future psychologists to make more meaningful contributions to the field. Influences of Wundt, Herbart, Fechner, Ebbinghause and Kulpe The birth of psychology took place at the beginning of the 19th century and five of the founding fathers can be credited with its growth. The first of which, Johann Herbart, was born in 1776. Herbart can be credited with giving psychology ââ¬Å"statusâ⬠(Goodwin, 2015). It was Herbart who established psychologyRead MoreThe Philosophical Roots Of Psychology Essay2901 Words à |à 12 Pagespsychology did not become a separate field of study until the late 1800s with Wilhelm Wundt. Psychology as a Science Wilhelm Wundt is who helped make psychology a science and is known as the father of experimental psychology. Wundt started an academic journal named Philosophische Studien and he began doing research on sensation and perception. Wundt deduced that introspection was the solution to analyze psychology. Wundt and his students deduced that the correlation in between sense experience andRead MoreThe History Of Psychology By Benjamin s Mainstream Narrative, Lecture Notes, And Other Readings From Class2287 Words à |à 10 Pageslife and the history of psychology and how they relate. We see a similar theme in both stories of the changing viewpoint of worldview and in the end hope that they will both become fully visible. The history of psychology began in 1636 with the founding of Harvard College as a Puritan University. Institutions like Harvard had a huge influence on the world and most of these institutions were filled with Protestant Preachers. It was a time where they were very open about their beliefs, mainly ChristianityRead MoreHow Psychology Has Developed Over The Centuries1773 Words à |à 8 Pages concluding with the conclusion. Psychology has developed from philosophy, science, medicine and theology (King 2015). Back between 664-554BC in Egypt the temple ââ¬â university Ipet Isut in Karnak existed, where Thales (physicists) was one of the first to go and got introduced to the Kemetic mystery system (Clark, 2011). Many of the early Greeks philosophers/scholars studied in Egypt and bought their knowledge back to Greece (Clark, 2011). The other Greeks that contributed to psychology were AlcmaeonRead MoreEssay Mind and Body2624 Words à |à 11 Pagesback to the Greeks, it is due to the influential work of Renà © Descartes, (written around the 1630ââ¬â¢s) that we owe the first systematic account of the mind/body relationship. When Descartes friend and frequent correspondent, Marin Mersenne, wrote to him of Galileos fate at the hands of the Inquisition, Descartes immediately suppressed his own treatise. As a result, the worlds first extended essay on physiological psychology was published only well after its authors death. In this essay, he proposed
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Building A Change Manager Within This Health Care Facility
On February 13, 2017, I had the pleasure do a brief interview Ms. Stephanie Hayes, of the Oklahoma City Veterans Affairs Health Care Center in regards to her role as being a Change Manager within this health care facility. Assessing and Accepting Change I asked, Ms. Hayes what was her most challenging change that she has managed while working as the Office Manager for the Directorââ¬â¢s Office. Her biggest challenge that she has encountered was office acceptance in being hired as a manager over people who had been working for that department for years. A lot of people do not handle change very well and tend to not like the new person bringing change. Of course, there will be some difficult decision that one may need advice on, butâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦To her, change failure would be where there is a flaw in the process working toward the change or task that has been given. She shared an incident that would work in a hospital setting does have its downfalls meaning that there tends to be gossip. Her job is to ensure that the privacy of individuals is respected despite the workplace setting. Also, to ensure that all employees are aware of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPA) and how important it is to keep the privacy of a person health. Change Leadership Ms. Hayes has learned since moving to her new position the best way to lead change is to be the change. With that said, she has noticed that people cannot change something until they first change themselves. The impact of change is not always clear, especially in a hospital environment. It is her believe that continuing to enforce change and to practice it. The resistance from employees and managers is normal and can be addressed. Persistent resistance, however, can threaten a project. The change management team needs to identify understand and help their leaders manage resistance throughout the organization. Resistance manage is the process and tools used by managers and executives with the support of the changeShow MoreRelatedSues s Health Services Delivery And Ways Improving Provider Skills815 Words à |à 4 Pagessues in health services delivery and ways in improving provider skills I. INTRO This paper is intended for healthcare employees and their managers who are intrigued in improving and bettering the quality of the health care system they use everyday by fostering changes in this process while in the process of patient care and employees performance. It should be of assistance in the idea of ways how to promote change and how to overcome obstacles to positive change. 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Dekalb Medical LTAC 2. Wellstar Health System LTAC 3. Landmark Hospital of Athens LTAC DeKalb Medical Center LTAC is a non-profit organization that offers long term acute care. They have 76 beds in their facility. Wellstar Health System LTAC is also a non-profit health organization that offers long term acute care. They have 115 beds in their facility. LastlyRead MoreEssay on Variance Analysis858 Words à |à 4 PagesVariance Analysis A manager of a variable hospital department has many responsibilities. The manager is accountable for budgeting and to protect profits. The financial manager is responsible for guarding overspending and generating profits. They are active in the budgeting process throughout the fiscal year. The budget department manager communicates with other managers, and accounting departments concerning budget issues, financing, and concerns in the organizations departments. 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Nonetheless, in healthcare items, outsourcing is a part of quantity bendy systems to comply expertise (chiefly in bigger businesses together with instructional scientific facilities) seeking to reply to demand flotations, care this is anRead MoreThe Role Of Leadership And Management On The Healthcare And Social Environment1645 Words à |à 7 Pagesleaders have utilized several styles for leading employees. The environment of health care has made an amazing progress in identifying the future values and factors which are necessary for making certain changes to attain noticeable and significant advancements crosswise a several services. The styles of Leadership and Management must effectively use to carry out clear changes and for attaining particular actions. This makes an important real improvement in the healthcare and social environment. ItRead MoreChange and Culture Case Study1433 Words à |à 6 PagesChange and Culture Case Study I Darlinda Smith HCS/514 October 15, 2012 Steve Kovak, MHA Change and Culture Case Study I During the past decade the hospital industry has made profound organizational changes, including the extensive consolidation of hospital system through merger and the formation hospital systems (Evans amp; Gertler, 2012). The rules of health care are changing. Growth is not about just getting bigger. It is about developing all of the components needed for coordinated
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Steps to and through sexinte Essay Example For Students
Steps to and through sexinte Essay Steps To and Through SexSex. A three letter word that contains about 3000 intonations, thoughts, worries, and considerations. There are many considerations and discussions to be made when having a sexual relationship with a partner. The main ingredient of a successful and satisfying sexual relationship is good communication (Andresen, Weinhold 1981). Communication means, literally, the experience of community or unity (Lear 1997). It is contact and it is connection. You must establish a high quality of connections with yourself and your partner in order to experience unity through sex (Gordon 1980). If you dont establish the rules of the relationship, negotiate condom use, and talk about what will happen if the female gets pregnant, or if one of you has contracted an STD, the people in the relationship are neither mature enough nor ready to go to the next step and become sexually active with one another. There are two types of sexual relationships. There is the casual sex relationship and the committed sex relationship (Cootie ; Schaeffer 1998). Casual sex usually happens when a person goes to a bar and goes home with someone they have just met that night. There is no talk of whether they are going to use a condom, whether or not someone has a sexually transmitted disease, or what will happen if the female gets pregnant. Chances are, phone numbers or last names will not even be exchanged. This type of sexual relationship is extremely dangerous and not smart at all. One night stands are an extremely common occurrence, although it is sad to say. It is this type of behavior that leads to the spread of AIDS, herpes, and other diseases(Lear 1997). The other type of relationship involving sexual activity is the type where two people have been in a committed relationship before they engage in sexual activity. In a romantic relationship, a couple may date for as much as a year before sexual activity occurs (Lear 1997). In most cases, the couple has established a trust for one another, and knows each others sexual history. The relationship is usually monogamous, with them dating only one another. Things, such as the rules of the relationship, how sex may effect the relationship, and what will happen if pregnancy occurs are discussed before the act takes place (Henley Thorne 1975). This is the responsible way to handle a sexual relationship. People in a relationship should be both comfortable enough and serious enough with each other to be able to discuss such an important topic. A major question that comes up in a relationship is What if the female gets pregnant?A couple should be stable enough in their relationship to be able to handle an unwanted pregnancy. Whether they decide to make the relationship more involved by getting married, or whether they are going to even have the child. In a casual relationship, the female does not have the luxury of discussing what to do with her partner; she is basically on her own either to raise the child in a single parent household or to abort the fetus. That is a huge weight to have on two sets of shoulders, much less one. At least in a romantic relationship, there are two people to handle the accidents and deal with it accordingly. A sexual relationship is an important thing. It is not something to be taken lightly. Having sex is a major step to take in a relationship. A couple should be both physically and emotionally able to have a sex. Sex should not be just sex, but it should be making love. There should be not only physical but emotional ties in a relationship before making love enters the picture. .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 , .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 .postImageUrl , .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 , .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6:hover , .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6:visited , .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6:active { border:0!important; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6:active , .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6 .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6b8b0a5a8e70768f9e73ed08c3311ea6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Heart Of Darkness (3810 words) EssayI was raised to believe that sexual relations were not simply sex, but lovemaking. To this day, I believe that is how it should be. Instilled at an early age, I learned that my body is something to be cherished, not thrown around as though I am not proud of it and myself. In keeping with the values my parents, mainly my mother, taught me, I waited until I found the right person to make love with for the first time. Before my girlfriend and I actually began having a sexual relationship, we discussed many things such what she would want to do if she were to become pregnant. That question was very important to me because I am a devout catholic. The issue of condoms never even came up because we both knew that they were an understood must. Neither of us wants to be parents at this point in our lives. It makes me wonder about the state that our society is in when I think of how many people in this world have unprotected sex every day. In males ages 25 to 44, AIDS is the leading cause of death, according to Professor Herbert, an Adolescent Psychology teacher here at Hofstra. The majority of this massive spread is due to both homosexual and heterosexual sex without protection. Different people have different views on what sexual activity means to them. I myself, will only do it if I am in love with the person, and she with me. I have to know that I am in a monogamous relationship, and that I can trust my girlfriend. Most of all, I have to know that I can be able to talk to her about anything in the world, not just sex. I interviewed many of my peers about what they think about sex and how it should be between two people. The things I learned were basically as I expected. Most of the girls I interviewed felt that sex should be making love, with someone you love. Many said that they would not even have sex without a commitment and those three magic words; I Love You. That would be the answer that I would expect from most females. However, about seventy-five percent of the girls who said that they wouldnt have sex without love have had sex without the commitment or the emotional ties. They now regret doing that and, if given the choice, would take back ever having sex with anyone. There are other girls I interviewed that said that sex, without love, is not a problem for them. They feel that as long as they get what they want, it does not matter. (I know realize that I should have sold this list to the guys I interviewed.) Not that this view of sex is wrong, but it is simply not what I agree with. On the other side of the spectrum, there are men. The men I interviewed gave me the exact answer that I thought they would give. They told me that when they made love, it was much more satisfying than a simple one-night stand or talking to a girl for a few days and then sleeping with her. It left them feeling both physically and emotionally complete. But they did not have to be in love to have sex, and they would be more than willing to have sex with someone that they did not have true feelings for. For some, one-night stands were not a problem. The stereotype about men is that they have two heads and they only think with one. It is not usually the one with the cranium. I know that it does not pertain to all because I am friend with a lot of guys who have a very mature view of sex. I just hope the guys are careful and that they take precautions to protect both themselves and their partners.Having a sexual relationship with someone is not something to be taken lightly. There are so ma ny risks, complications, and things that have to be discussed before one should ever take place. Communication is the key to a solid relationship. Without the discussion of the major issues that come with a sexual relationship, the relationship has two strikes against it before it even gets up to bat. As we learned in class, communication is the key. Nothing, not even sex or making love can beat a good conversation.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Right to Abortion
Arguments and counter arguments have been fronted with such fierceness and eloquence for and against abortion from different quarters of the social and spiritual divide. Abortion, an age-old phenomenon is defined as a premature termination of the unborn. Far and wide, arguments have been presented in various forms that span the general to specific issues.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Right to Abortion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is a controversial topic that spans the social, moral, medical, and legal fields. The hostility against abortion affords counter arguments that justify its legality. Therefore, abortion is the right of every woman to decide when it should occur. Despite the controversy surrounding a specific and working definition of when life begins, it is well worth noting that life begins a few weeks to birth. Before conception, the fetus entirely depends on the mother and any circumstan ces besides abortion may lead to its termination. In addition to that, the growing embryo is not a fully developed functional human being therefore the argument that life begins at conception is preposterous and purely religious. That notwithstanding, the interest of the family and the mother are of paramount importance in this debate. A mother should not be compelled to painfully bring up a child for eighteen years without due preparation and the social and psychological consequences faced by the unprepared mother. Some of the strong reasons presented by proponents of abortion include circumstances such as rape, mistaken pregnancies due to the failure of contraceptives, the threat to a motherââ¬â¢s life if she continues with a pregnancy, a deformed and disabled foetus, and work place career advancements. On the other hand opponents of abortion argue that life begins at conception and terminating the foetusââ¬â¢ life amounts to a crime against humanity. They assert that term inating the life of a foetus at conception or during pregnancy amounts to killing a human being and lay emphasis on the foetus as a human being with all the fundamental rights of a person. They argue that it is the killing of an innocent defenseless person in society when carrying out an abortion. They further assert that life is a God given gift and no one is entitled to terminate it under any circumstances. Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition to that, opponents of abortion argue that human beings are supposed to show commitment to life of any form. They should be caring for the frail and weak in society and that spans the unborn fetus. They further affirm that happiness to life does not consist of money alone, but a complete and responsible life. Abortion is seen as a sin against the unborn as enshrined in the fifth Decalogue of the Ten Commandments in the religious eye. Desp ite the arguments and counter arguments surrounding the issue on abortion, the age-old phenomenon is the legitimate right of the affected woman to decide to terminate it or continue with it. The life of the mother is far more important than the unborn foetus and everything should be done to preserve it. The right of the mother is entirely justified. This essay on The Right to Abortion was written and submitted by user Yesenia H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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